Formulated with American ginseng and the InCelligence Cognitive Support Complex, CopaPrime+ is a powerful combination of leading cognitive mechanisms designed to support your brain and cognitive functions. Taken twice a day, CopaPrime+ can assist with peak mental performance to help you keep up with the demands of your daily life.
About USANA:
Founded in 1992 by Dr. Myron Wentz, USANA Health Sciences is a U.S.-based company that manufactures high-quality supplements, personal care, energy, and weight-management products in its FDA-registered facility in Salt Lake City, Utah.
USANA is committed to making the highest quality products without compromise. That’s why we use only the purest ingredients, stringent quality control measures, and a manufacturing process that’s second-to-none.
USANA’s products, used by thousands of elite athletes, are developed by the company’s award-winning team of scientists and sold directly to Preferred Customers and Associates in 20 markets.
USANA Health Sciences has pioneered personalized nutrition and set the standard for all others to follow, but we’re not satisfied with that. We’re ready for the future and we’re prepared for more meaningful, more personal, more relevant conversations.
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USANA CopaPrime+ (ro) | USANA Video
IFormulat cu ginseng american și Complexul InCelligence Cognitive Support, CopaPrime+ este o combinație puternică de mecanisme cognitive de vârf concepute pentru a îți susține creierul și funcțiile cognitive. Administrat de două ori pe zi, CopaPrime+ poate contribui la o performanță mintală de vârf pentru a te ajuta să ții pasul cu exigențele vieții tale de zi cu zi.
About USANA:
Founded in 1992 by Dr. Myron Wentz, USANA Health Sciences is a U.S.-based company that manufactures high-quality supplements, personal care, energy, and weight-management products in its FDA-registered facility in Salt Lake City, Utah.
USANA is committed to making the highest quality products without compromise. That's why we use only the purest ingredients, stringent quality control measures, and a manufacturing process that's second-to-none.
USANA's products, used by thousands of elite athletes, are developed by the company's award-winning team of scientists and sold directly to Preferred Customers and Associates in 20 markets.
USANA Health Sciences has pioneered personalized nutrition and set the standard for all others to follow, but we're not satisfied with that. We're ready for the future and we're prepared for more meaningful, more personal, more relevant conversations.
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IFormulat cu ginseng american și Complexul InCelligence Cognitive Support, CopaPrime+ este o combinație puternică de mecanisme cognitive de vârf concepute pentru a îți susține creierul și funcțiile cognitive. Administrat de două ori pe zi, CopaPrime+ poate contribui la o performanță mintală de vârf pentru a te ajuta să ții pasul cu exigențele vieții tale de zi cu zi.
About USANA:
Founded in 1992 by Dr. Myron Wentz, USANA Health Sciences is a U.S.-based company that manufactures high-quality supplements, personal care, energy, and weight-management products in its FDA-registered facility in Salt Lake City, Utah.
USANA is committed to making the highest quality products without compromise. That's why we use only the purest ingredients, stringent quality control measures, and a manufacturing process that's second-to-none.
USANA's products, used by thousands of elite athletes, are developed by the company's award-winning team of scientists and sold directly to Preferred Customers and Associates in 20 markets.
USANA Health Sciences has pioneered personalized nutrition and set the standard for all others to follow, but we're not satisfied with that. We're ready for the future and we're prepared for more meaningful, more personal, more relevant conversations.
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Formulato con ginseng americano e con il complesso di supporto cognitivo InCelligence, CopaPrime+ combina una serie di potenti meccanismi cognitivi studiati a supporto del cervello e delle funzioni cognitive. Assunto due volte al giorno, CopaPrime+ può favorire le massime prestazioni mentali per aiutarti a stare al passo con le esigenze della vita quotidiana.
About USANA:
Founded in 1992 by Dr. Myron Wentz, USANA Health Sciences is a U.S.-based company that manufactures high-quality supplements, personal care, energy, and weight-management products in its FDA-registered facility in Salt Lake City, Utah.
USANA is committed to making the highest quality products without compromise. That's why we use only the purest ingredients, stringent quality control measures, and a manufacturing process that's second-to-none.
USANA's products, used by thousands of elite athletes, are developed by the company's award-winning team of scientists and sold directly to Preferred Customers and Associates in 20 markets.
USANA Health Sciences has pioneered personalized nutrition and set the standard for all others to follow, but we're not satisfied with that. We're ready for the future and we're prepared for more meaningful, more personal, more relevant conversations.
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Formulé avec du ginseng américain et le complexe de soutien cognitif InCelligence, CopaPrime+ est une puissante combinaison de mécanismes cognitifs de premier plan, conçus pour soutenir votre cerveau et vos fonctions cognitives. Pris deux fois par jour, CopaPrime+ peut vous aider à atteindre des performances mentales optimales pour vous permettre de faire face aux exigences de votre vie quotidienne.
About USANA:
Founded in 1992 by Dr. Myron Wentz, USANA Health Sciences is a U.S.-based company that manufactures high-quality supplements, personal care, energy, and weight-management products in its FDA-registered facility in Salt Lake City, Utah.
USANA is committed to making the highest quality products without compromise. That's why we use only the purest ingredients, stringent quality control measures, and a manufacturing process that's second-to-none.
USANA's products, used by thousands of elite athletes, are developed by the company's award-winning team of scientists and sold directly to Preferred Customers and Associates in 20 markets.
USANA Health Sciences has pioneered personalized nutrition and set the standard for all others to follow, but we're not satisfied with that. We're ready for the future and we're prepared for more meaningful, more personal, more relevant conversations.
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CopaPrime+ mit amerikanischem Ginseng und dem InCelligence-Komplex zur kognitiven Unterstützung ist ein wirkungsvolles Nahrungsergänzungsmittel mit innovativen Funktionen zur Förderung des Gehirns und dessen Funktionen. CopaPrime+, das zweimal täglich angewendet werden sollte, kann mentale Höchstleistungen fördern, damit du mit den Anforderungen deines Alltags Schritt hältst.
About USANA:
Founded in 1992 by Dr. Myron Wentz, USANA Health Sciences is a U.S.-based company that manufactures high-quality supplements, personal care, energy, and weight-management products in its FDA-registered facility in Salt Lake City, Utah.
USANA is committed to making the highest quality products without compromise. That's why we use only the purest ingredients, stringent quality control measures, and a manufacturing process that's second-to-none.
USANA's products, used by thousands of elite athletes, are developed by the company's award-winning team of scientists and sold directly to Preferred Customers and Associates in 20 markets.
USANA Health Sciences has pioneered personalized nutrition and set the standard for all others to follow, but we're not satisfied with that. We're ready for the future and we're prepared for more meaningful, more personal, more relevant conversations.
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Formulado con ginseng americano y el Complejo InCelligence de apoyo a la cognición, CopaPrime+ es una poderosa combinación de mecanismos cognitivos punteros, diseñados para apoyar el cerebro y las funciones cognitivas. Cuando lo tomas dos veces al día, CopaPrime+ puede ayudarte a alcanzar tu máximo rendimiento mental para cumplir las exigencias de tu rutina diaria.
About USANA:
Founded in 1992 by Dr. Myron Wentz, USANA Health Sciences is a U.S.-based company that manufactures high-quality supplements, personal care, energy, and weight-management products in its FDA-registered facility in Salt Lake City, Utah.
USANA is committed to making the highest quality products without compromise. That's why we use only the purest ingredients, stringent quality control measures, and a manufacturing process that's second-to-none.
USANA's products, used by thousands of elite athletes, are developed by the company's award-winning team of scientists and sold directly to Preferred Customers and Associates in 20 markets.
USANA Health Sciences has pioneered personalized nutrition and set the standard for all others to follow, but we're not satisfied with that. We're ready for the future and we're prepared for more meaningful, more personal, more relevant conversations.
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Myron Wentz est un microbiologiste et immunologiste de renommée mondiale. Il est le fondateur d'USANA Health Sciences, une entreprise de compléments alimentaires et de produits de soins personnels.
Wentz a obtenu son doctorat en microbiologie de l'Université de l'Utah en 1962. Il a ensuite travaillé comme chercheur en laboratoire pendant plusieurs années, se concentrant sur le développement de méthodes de diagnostic des maladies infectieuses.
En 1974, Wentz a fondé Gull Laboratories, une entreprise qui fabriquait des kits de diagnostic viraux. Gull Laboratories est rapidement devenue le principal producteur mondial de ces kits.
En 1992, Wentz a fondé USANA Health Sciences. USANA développe des produits de nutrition avancés scientifiquement qui sont conçus pour soutenir la santé et le bien-être.
Wentz est un ardent défenseur de la nutrition préventive. Il croit que les gens peuvent améliorer leur santé et leur bien-être en consommant une alimentation saine et en prenant des compléments alimentaires.
Voici quelques-unes des idées clés de Myron Wentz :
- La santé est un état de bien-être complet, physique, mental et émotionnel.
- La nutrition est un élément essentiel de la santé.
- Les compléments alimentaires peuvent aider à combler les lacunes nutritionnelles.
- Les gens peuvent améliorer leur santé et leur bien-être en adoptant un mode de vie sain.
Wentz est un leader visionnaire dans le domaine de la nutrition. Ses idées ont eu un impact significatif sur la façon dont les gens pensent à la santé et à la nutrition.
Voici quelques-uns des conseils de Wentz pour une bonne santé :
- Mangez une alimentation saine qui comprend une variété de fruits, de légumes, de grains entiers, de protéines maigres et de graisses saines.
- Limitez votre consommation de sucre, de graisses saturées et de graisses trans.
- Faites de l'exercice régulièrement.
- Dormez suffisamment.
- Gérez votre stress.
Si vous êtes intéressé à en savoir plus sur les idées de Myron Wentz, vous pouvez visiter le site Web d'USANA ou lire l'un de ses nombreux livres ou articles.
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